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Why use a consultant?

There comes a time when the management team will need to look outside the organisation for external expertise as the resources and skills available are limited or already utilised”

Benefits a consultant can bring: Specific skills, Independent view, Drive change, provide accountability and focus, temporary professional services, allows continued focus on core business, improve productivity, easy to replace, transference of skills onto staff.

– Sean Martyn, Director at Principle Focus NSW

Our Services

Asset analysis inc. reliability. In depth analysis performed on assets and processes to determine real capability and optimisation areas available. Additionally Reliability and Availability optimisation available using a variety of methods Inc. Root cause failure analysis and Failure mode effects analysis etc.

Asset maintenance performance optimisation. Maintenance procedures measured, developed and optimised where feasible.

Asset defect eradication. Root cause analysis carried out to ensure repeat or isolated defects become non-events.

Asset strategy planning and development. Assessment and determination of under or over maintaining assets. ​​A balanced life cycle strategy combining the mix of optimum cost with reliability and availability. Includes ensuring minimal impact on operations using various bundling methods with appropriate planning and scheduling.

Asset selection. Assessing and optimising asset replacement / modification decisions.

Asset risk managing. Assessing and managing risk Inc. design, operation, condition and maintenance.

Computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) assessment and integration. Assessment and optimisation of current CMMS. Customised consideration of most appropriate CMMS followed by training and implementation.

Compliance review. Assessment and analysis of asset strategies, current status and deficiencies relating to individual specific compliance requirements across many industries and their regulatory and technical bodies.

Fleet hardware / software update assessment optimisation. Assessment, analysis and determinations of fleet hardware/software upgrade options to ensure optimised and efficient upgrading of assets. Full liaison role between operator and OEM / asset supplier.

Inventory management assessment / development. Assessment, analysis and customised optimisation of inventory management. Ensuring appropriate levels of holdings including storage conditions thereby protecting their inherent reliability upon fitment.

Logistical optimisation. Assessment, analysis and customised optimisation of logistical operations relating to but not limited to; spares inventories, asset transportation, modifications etc.

Retrofit assessment / planning. Assessment and analysis of proposed or available retrofit programs across many different asset classes. Importantly, safeguarding and optimising the process ensuring continued availability and reliability. Collaborating with OEM, retrofit designers, logistical and inventory thereby allowing your focus to remain on business as usual operations